AI of illustrations : A revolution is on ?
Proposé par : FORGENEXT
After exploring in 2023 horizons of AI of illustrations in the board game world, and while the World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival event is taking place every year, we are meeting again some of our contributors on year later for a state of play. AI of illustrations made their entrance in force, provoking deep questionings in technicals, ethics, legal spheres. Did they found their their place in recreational ecosystem ? Did they become allies of illustrators or are they still ennemies ?
Cédric Caumont of Captain Games will share his concrete experience with his new game « Path of Civilization » that provoked a lot of reactions. How AI of illustrations has been include in this specific project, and what was the impact of the game perception by players and the industry ?
Doubtlessly, this round table reserved to us, as last year, his emotions batch.
- Maud Chalmel - Illustratrice - CIL
- Cédric Caumont - Editeur - Captain Games
- Etienne Mineur - Directeur Artistique
- Piero - Illustrateur