Game design and evolving rules: from Eleusis to Ludovortex, 70 years of Re-creative board games
Proposé par : FORGENEXT
OLIs, the conference reviews some thirty innovative games:
- Games where you have to guess the rule: from Eleusis and Crazy Time to UnboXed
- Games with (im)material constraints for multiple rules: from Das Spiel to Mexican Hold'hem
- Games with evolving rules: from Tempête sur l'échiquier and Démocrazy to Fluxx
- Ludo-creative factories: from 504 and Mécanicartes to Ludovortex and Potion magique
It will be followed by a workshop where you can try out one or other of them.
- Games where you have to guess the rule: from Eleusis and Crazy Time to UnboXed
- Games with (im)material constraints for multiple rules: from Das Spiel to Mexican Hold'hem
- Games with evolving rules: from Tempête sur l'échiquier and Démocrazy to Fluxx
- Ludo-creative factories: from 504 and Mécanicartes to Ludovortex and Potion magique
It will be followed by a workshop where you can try out one or other of them.
Speakers :
- Vincent BONNARD, author of board games
- Michel VAN LANGENDONCKT, lecturer in social sciences, Haute Ecole de Bruxelles-Brabant