Linx is a clever mix between tic-tac-toe and rock/paper/ scissors
How to play:
Play proceeds clockwise, starting with the first player determined randomly. On your turn, you must place a tile on the grid, either face down or face up. If it is impossible to do so, you skip your turn.
1. Placing a tile face up:
The tile you place must be adjacent, either orthogonally or diagonally, to another tile and must adhere to the construction of a 4x4 square (in a 2-player game) or a 5x5 square (in a 3 or 4-player game). When you place a tile face up, draw 2 tiles from your stack. Face-up tiles can always be covered by face-down tiles, whether they belong to you or not.
2. Placing a tile face down:
The tile you place must cover another tile and "defeat" it, following the traditional rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors and the circle diagram below. When you place a tile face down, you do not draw any tiles at the end of your turn. A face-down tile cannot be covered again.
3. Skipping your turn:
This is only allowed if you have no more tiles or if you are unable to play: draw 2 new tiles.