Make society by the game
Proposé par : ENVIES ENJEUX
However, games’ emotional and social dimensions aren’t much integreted in recreational mechanicals / Game-play. Moreover, serious games and Ludo-teaching tools could gain to enrich themselves to new mechanicals and thematics (following the exemples of Feelings, Totem…), by staying real games, to concern a large public and support the multi-dimentionality of social skills, to let the inclusion of the neuro-diversity…
Aren’t we talking about « board games » ? So why the social skills question stay unexplored ? Wherein games and cooperative games pecisely let this exploration ? And why Ludo-teaching tools are still ignoring the diversity and the breadth of the recreational mechanicals ? If the meeting between educationalists, trainers… and games authors do not take place in Cannes, where is it going to be ?
Deployed thematics on the exhibition :
- What’s a cooperative game ? (Definition)
- Cooperative games’ rise ? (Story and new trends)
- To play cooperative for amusement (Recreational mechanicals and impacts on players interactions)
- Play to learn (Cooperative games and theories of learning)
- Play to include (Neuro-diversity supplies, to include by cooperative game)
- Play to develop ourselves (Emotional and social skills)
- Play to aware (Games and environment / games and health, games and EVAR/ affective life’s education, relational and sexual)
- Playing in training (Ludo-teaching for adults : group ‘s dynamics, decisions…)