For its 37th edition, the Festival puts the culture and heritage of the game world in the spotlight by showcasing the work of the industry’s various talents. Like each year, this commitment can be seen in the curating of different exhibitions that immerse the attendees into the process of creating a game from start to finish. Our exhibitions include themes such as the process of conceptualizing a game to publishing it; the key role of the illustrators in bringing a universe to life; looking back on successful games - from their sources to their inspirations and intentions – as well as discovering game traditions from other times and continents, to name but a few.
Our exhibitions appeal to a large public that is invited to discover the original and diverse career paths of the authors, publishers and illustrators whose creativity is being celebrated. These exhibitions are also turned into gaming areas where visitors become players and can take part in fun adventures to further immerse themselves in the spirit of the Festival.


Make society by the game - Stand 05.08

The Ludo-teaching is gainning ground and the virtues of learning by board games are now recognized.

However, games’ emotional and social dimensions aren’t much integreted in recreational mechanicals / Game-play. Moreover, serious games and Ludo-teaching tools could gain to enrich themselves to new mechanicals and thematics (following the exemples of Feelings, Totem…), by staying real games, to concern a large public and support the multi-dimentionality of social skills, to let the inclusion of the neuro-diversity…

Aren’t we talking about « board games » ? So why  the social skills question stay unexplored ? Wherein games and cooperative games pecisely let this exploration ? And why Ludo-teaching tools are still ignoring the diversity and the breadth of the recreational mechanicals ? If the meeting between educationalists, trainers… and games authors do not take place in Cannes, where is it going to be ?

Deployed thematics on the exhibition :

  • What’s a cooperative game ? (Definition)
  • Cooperative games’ rise ? (Story and new trends)
  • To play cooperative for amusement (Recreational mechanicals and impacts on players interactions)
  • Play to learn (Cooperative games and theories of learning)
  • Play to include (Neuro-diversity supplies, to include by cooperative game)
  • Play to develop ourselves (Emotional and social skills)
  • Play to aware (Games and environment / games and health, games and EVAR/ affective life’s education, relational and sexual)
  • Playing in training (Ludo-teaching for adults : group ‘s dynamics, decisions…)
Games are done ! Authors’ exposition of your board games - Stand 02.10

Behind every single game is hidding an author, with a sensibility, an approach, a story, often unknown. This presentation of individualities, is far away to be exhaustive, she let a beginning of personalization, and a light on this specific trade.

Dreams of games authors’ society, through those portraits, is showing to the public their games, their passion, their exchanging moments, of laughing, of challenges, of (amical) battles, could not exist without the work and the creative process of authors, upstream of the editorial work.

Dixit - Stand 04.11

Dixit, 15 years of dreams, images and words. To celebrate the 15 years of his As d’Or, Libellud tells you the story about the famous game of comunication by the image. You will discover the cards’ secrets, a recreational oddball’s creation, illustrators who came to enrich his universe as editions and expansions go by… and creation’s secrets of Dixit Ceremony. Dixit’s special edition is at the FIJ !